FSMA Update: VQIP(적격수입자지정제도) 신청기간 및 현황 5월 30일 현재

조회수 912

With VQIP Application Period set to Expire, FDA Encourages Importers to Prepare Early for Next Cycle
올해 VQIP 신청 기간이 만료됨에 따라,  FDA 수입업자에게 다음주기를 조기에 준비하도록 장려합니다


The Voluntary Qualified Importer Program (VQIP) is a voluntary fee-based program that provides expedited review and import entry of human and animal foods into the United States for participating importers. To participate, importers are required to meet certain eligibility requirements, which include ensuring that the facilities of their foreign supplier are certified under the Accredited Third-Party Certification Program.

VQIP (Voluntary Qualified Importer Program) 참여 수입업자를 위해 미국에 인간  동물 식품의 신속한 검토  수입을 제공하는 자발적 유료 프로그램입니다. 참여를 위해 수입업자는 외국 공급 업체의 설비가 공인   3  인증 프로그램에 의거하여 인증되도록하는 것을 포함하는 특정 적격 요건을 충족해야합니다.

While the VQIP application portal opened in January, FDA does not anticipate that importers will be able to apply during this application cycle while certification bodies (also known as third-party auditors) receive their accreditation under the Accredited Third Party Certification Program. Thus far, the agency has recognized two accreditation bodies, ANSI-ASQ National Accreditation Board (ANAB) and the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), which will be assessing and accrediting certification bodies. This process takes some time, and so currently no certification bodies have been accredited through this program.

VQIP 신청 프로그램 포털은 1 월에 개설되었지만 FDA 인증 기관 ( 3  인증 기관이라고도 ) 인정   3  인증 프로그램에 따라 인증을 받는 동안 수입자가이 신청주기 중에 신청할 수 있을 것으로 예상하지 않습니다. 지금까지 기관은 ANSI-ASQ 국가 인증위원회 (ANNA-ASQ National Accreditation Board) ANSI (American National Standards Institute)라는  인증 기관을 인정하여 인증 기관을 평가하고 인증합니다.  과정에는 시간이 걸리기 때문에 현재이 프로그램을 통해 인증 기관이 인증되지 않았습니다

Certification bodies will conduct food safety audits of foreign facilities and issue the certifications that importers need to participate in VQIP. Because no such certification bodies have yet been accredited to date, FDA does not expect importers to be able to apply to participate in VQIP for the FY19 benefit year. The VQIP application portal is open annually from January 1 through May 31 for the following benefit year. Due to the time needed to accredit certification bodies, we will consider early opening for the FY20 application portal later this calendar year once certification bodies have been accredited under FDA’s Accredited Third Party Certification Program. This would allow importers to submit their completed applications early for the FY20 benefit year.


인증 기관은 외국 시설의 식품 안전 감사를 실시하고 수입업자가 VQIP 참여해야하는 인증을 발행합니다. 그러한 인증 기관이 아직까지 인증되지 않았으므로 FDA 수입 업체가 FY07 년도에 VQIP 참가 신청을   있다고 기대하지 않습니다. VQIP 신청 포털은 매년 1 1 일부터 5 31 일까지 다음 혜택 연도에 열립니다. 인증 기관 인증에 필요한 시간으로 인해, 인증 기관이 FDA 인정   3  인증 프로그램에 의거하여 인증을받은  올해 말에 FY20 응용 프로그램 포털의 조기 개방을 고려할 것입니다. 이를 통해 수입업자는 2010  혜택 연도의 조기 신청서를 제출할  있습니다.

(출처: FDA website)


현재까지 검증기관(Accreditation Body)로 지정 받은 기관

-     National Bureau of Agricultural Commodity and Food Standards (ACFS) of Bangkok, Thailand

-     ANSI-ASQ National Accreditation Board (ANAB), USA

-     검증기관은 제3자 인증기관을 선정해야 하는데 아직 지정되지 않음 (5월 30일 현재)


VQIP을 위한 문의)

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